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Dresses entrepreneurs will start

Dresses entrepreneurs will start

But about the social tax, this is more complicated. Our tax system is simple and transparent. Thanks to its simplicity and transparency, we already have a generation of honest taxpayers who can stand up and say, "We are paying all our taxes, now what is the government doing with the money?" short prom dresses have to keep our taxation system as simple as it is.

When Gerhard Schroeder was chancellor in Germany, he was attacking Estonia and Slovenia many times about tax dumping. He said that the level of corporate tax here was too low. I can't agree with those people who talk about tax dumping.

In Germany, with a much higher corporate tax and White&Ivory Prom Dresses taxes, they are able to collect 0.6 percent of the GDP in corporate tax. Here we are able to collect 1.8 percent of the GDP in corporate tax. In Slovenia, where corporate tax is 19 percent, they collect 2.6 percent.

So we are able to collect a much bigger amount than countries that have a higher tax rate, and we do not pay state aid to industries. Germany has to use its 0.6 percent to pay state aid. But we can use this 1.8 percent to save on social taxes.

So back to social taxes. We have had many proposals about changing social taxes. For instance, sportsmen say that they need an exemption for sports activities, so companies who pay for sports activities should have an exemption. If we start to change our really simple tax system, Yellow&Orange&Gold Prom Dresses entrepreneurs will start to pay salaries with bicycles or dresses or some such things.

We have to keep our tax system simple. If you pay for your workers to improve professional skills, it is not taxed. But with basic education, I am sorry to say we will continue with the same system.

Scott Diel, editor, City Paper:

I read recently that there is a proposal to abolish the county A line Prom Dresses. What is the mechanism to hear the needs of rural Estonia if you remove county governors?

Our county governors don't play as big a role in our lives anymore. There was a time when they had money to divide to municipalities. But some municipalities used this money, in one instance I remember, for tourist trips to Morocco. Now we are done with that system.

Now the state schools are handled by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Environment takes care of land issues. The county governors are not dividing money any more. They don't have so many functions compared to ... even eight years ago.