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Dresses not so observant

Dresses not so observant

One MP from Busiro also chose Namara and Nabilah because "they are beautiful. That is it. It's as blunt as that".

Asked who he considers to be the Cheap Black Prom Dresses beautiful female MP, central region youth MP Joseph Kasozi said, "Beautiful is very general, but if you specifically want the most attractive I would go for Nabilah Naggayi."

Busongora County North Member of Parliament Christopher Kibanzanga said, "My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world but since she is not an MP, I would choose Najjemba as the most beautiful female MP."

One MP from the islands finds Rebecca Kadaga beautiful, while another from northern Uganda went for Najjemba. From eastern Uganda, an MP finds Nakawuki the fairest of them all, while an MP from the central region and another from Mubende opted for Nalubega. One from Kiboga voted for Nabilah while another MP from Luwero chose Nampijja. In Amuru district, Namara has an admirer while from Rakai district, one MP agreed with an MP from Mityana that Najjemba is the fairest. Three Cheap Blue Prom Dresses from Busoga, central Buganda and Mbarara all chose Nabilah. Nalubega was the pick of an MP from central Buganda.

No answer

The Minister for Disaster Preparedness, Tarsis Kabwegyere, is one of those who declined to answer. "And you are asking Kabwegyere to answer that?" he asked before adding, "that's a waste of time. I have more important things to talk about."

Fred Bukeni Gyabi (Bubulo County West) said he "Homecoming Dresses not so observant in that direction," while Kakuuto County MP Mathias Kasamba said, "Spare me from such discussions. I don't consider that to be relevant news to the country." James Baba (Koboko County) put a moral twist to the question when he answered that: "I can't engage in such things. I hold the docket for ethics and integrity so I can't go around passing judgement on people. All that God created is beautiful."

Samuel Abura Pirir (Mathenika County) also declined to answer Prom Dresses 2012 he considered the question dangerous. "Oh my God," he said, "I am not meant to answer that. That is very dangerous. I will not answer it. You ask the youth MPs. I am above 50. That one is not good for me."

James Nsaba Buturo (Bufumbira County East) had no comment, not because he thinks it is an ethics and integrity scandal to vote, but because he was caught unawares. "Oh my God," he said in surprise before admitting that: "Frankly I don't know. By beautiful, do you mean outer beauty? I would have to give it some thought. I had never put my mind to it. This one you have to spare me." James Abraham Byandala from Katikamu County North simply said, "Sorry I never thought about it. I need to sit and think about it. Give me a call tomorrow." We never called him back because we had to beat the deadline. Florence Hashaka Kabahweza, the Woman MP for Kamwenge, got three votes from the eastern and central region, Rosemary Seninde (Wakiso Woman Member of Parliament) got two votes from the central region. One of her admirers said: "Her beauty lies in her smile, gracefulness and youthful look." Hope Mwesigye, Jessica Alupo, Short Prom Dresses Byarugaba and Jessica Eriyo got two votes each.