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Dresses on Sale over 50 years of suppression
In China, regular lip service is also paid to the country's own, considerable diversity. During the National People's Congress' annual session, for example, delegates representing China's multiplicity of minorities swish around the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in their "ethnic" dresses. Short Prom Dresses regularly talks of the religious freedoms enjoyed by the country's Buddhists, Christians and Muslims.
But in fact, the fundamental tenet of China's political philosophy is not diversity but uniformity. This homogeneity does not only extend itself to the tangible, such as architecture or the system of writing alone, but also to thought.
Even in the modern China of the 21st century where there are more Internet users than even in the United States, those who disagree with mainstream, officially sanctioned views outside of the parameters set by mainstream officially sanctioned debate, more often than not find themselves branded as dissidents - suspect, hunted, under threat.
The insistence on "harmony" as the only reality and Black Prom Dresses on Sale to admit genuine differences in interest and opinions between the peoples of a country of the size and complexity of China is ultimately the country's greatest weakness.
Talk of political reform in China continues to be bound by the "harmonious" parameters set by Hu Jintao, the president. The idea is that everyone's interests and opinions are to be balanced and resolved without conflict.
Oppositional politics with the clash of argument remain anathema. Consensus for the good of the whole nation is the way forward, we are told.
To imagine that these pious prescriptions will be adequate to address growing tensions within Chinese society as it evolves and changes is foolhardy. The interests of the laid-off worker and multinational executive are divergent, as are those of the real estate developer and the city-dweller about to have her home destroyed to make way for a mall.
These are conflicts that need to be acknowledged so that effective mechanisms for their resolution can then be identified.
As the recent protests have demonstrated, Blue Prom Dresses on Sale over 50 years of suppression and "patriotic education", a strong strain of resentment against Beijing's rule continues to simmer in Tibet. During this time period the region's economy has benefited from Chinese-developed infrastructure, literacy rates are also on the up and health care has improved. Nonetheless, large swathes of dissatisfaction with Beijing's policies persist.
For China's authorities to simply deny the reality of the problem, blame all tension on an exiled leader and insist that the majority of Tibetans couldn't be happier with the Communist Party's harmonious policies, is self-defeating.
Given this stance whether or not the Chinese authorities react with "leniency" towards the protesters, the damage to their reputation internationally is assured.
Looking ahead to the Olympics and beyond, Green Prom Dresses on Sale would in fact do well to look to India, the neighbor it usually scorns as poor and chaotic, to understand the strength that acknowledging differences can provide.
I recently brought up the subject of this article with a friend of mine. I told her that March 8th, being International Women's Day, had got me thinking. Thinking about the concept of feminism, where it started, where it is now, about the women of the world, how different we all are, and how much being a woman shapes your identity, in what ways, to what extents.