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Prom Dresses completed in four hours

Prom Dresses completed in four hours

"Apart from helping residents deal with high food prices, the bazaar aims to help low-income people [buy basic food] ahead of the fasting month Ramadan," I Nyoman Gunadi, head of Mataram Industry, Trade and Cooperative Agency's promotion and distribution division, told The Jakarta Post.

At the bazaar, the agency offered 1,000 Discount Blue Prom Dresses to each subdistrict.

Each package, comprising 3 kilograms of rice, 1 kilogram of sugar and 1 kilogram of cooking oil, was sold at Rp 30,000 ($3.30).

"Our target is to reach the poor people in every district," he said, adding they were given a coupon each to allow them to purchase the package at the bazaar.

Head of social welfare division at Selaparang district, Danil Hadi, said the Discount Green Prom Dresses covered six subdistricts. Every coupon had been distributed to low-income people at each district. "A subdistrict only gets around 120 coupons, it won't cover enough for poor residents. We hope a similar bazaar is organized again soon."

Participants of the National Science Olympiad (OSN) X got on a bus to transport them back to the hotel after completing a four-hour long maths test.

Auladi Halim Umar Lubis, a student of SMA Modal Bangsa senior high school in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, appeared despondent, claiming he had lost the competition after he had left one question unanswered.

"We dealt with four maths problems, which had to Discount Pink Prom Dresses completed in four hours.

"Unfortunately, I left one problem on geometry unresolved," he told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday in an interview on the way back to the hotel.

He conceded to the complicated maths problem being tested in this year's Olympiad.

He said the level of difficulty had thrown him off track.

"Frankly speaking, I did not expect such a complicated problem," he said.

Despite the problem, Auladi said he was glad to have joined the Olympiad and made the event an opportunity to add to his experience and make friends as well.

He said he and fellow team members from Aceh had under-gone Homecoming Dresses training for five days, dealing with various science problems.

There were 1,565 students from elementary, Short Prom Dresses high and senior high schools from 33 provinces taking part in the Olympiad, which will run until Aug. 7.