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Prom Dresses Mohammad Javad Larijani

Prom Dresses Mohammad Javad Larijani

2. Unattributed report: "Iran is not a threat to Mideast nations." The item reports Tehran's Friday prayer sermons by Ayatollah Emami-Kashani where the cleric said America is making Iran out to be a threat to sell weapons to Muslim governments. He said these governments Short Prom Dresses not be fooled and realize that America and Israel are not their friends. He also called on Shi'is and Sunnis to reject Western conspiracies and stand united. (p 2; 1,000 words)

3. Unattributed report: "The need for Islamic solidarity and defining genuine principle-ism." The item reports remarks by former Guards commander Mohsen Reza'i addressing the 2 and 3 August conference of the elections headquarters of the Front for National Unity in Tehran. He underlined Islamic solidarity and convergence with other principle-ist groups. The conference reportedly discussed forming a party, election strategies and coalition options with other "independent" principle-ist groups. (p 2; 300 words) [PROCESSING]

4. Article by Kan'ani-Moqaddam: "Nation's demands, Purple Prom Dresses of nation's appreciation." The political secretary of Iran's Hezbollah explains that in addition to the unmet demands by the last two governments, the ninth government must also fulfil the promises it made including justice, benevolence, poverty eradication and prosperity and goes on to say that the people play a major role in the effort. He says the people must work with the government and Majlis in an effort to resolve basic livelihood issues. (p 2; 450 words)

5. Commentary by Abbas Salimi-Namin: "A self-professed principle-ist is not necessarily a principle-ist." The commentator refers to a statement by Executives of Construction Spokesman Hoseyn Mar'ashi on Islam and says if the party does not dismiss the statement as the spokesman's personal opinion, it has deviated and adds that universities and seminaries must work to produce Islamic idea and prevent human resources from deviation. He also criticizes what he calls the "self-professed" principle-ist Red Prom Dresses Mohammad Javad Larijani over his non-conformist positions on various issues including Salman Rushdie or the takeover of the American embassy in Tehran. (p 3; 700 words)

6. Unattributed report: "Iran envoy in Iraq: Trilateral meetings to be held early this week." Iran's ambassador to Iraq Kazemi-Qomi told ISNA that Iran-Iraq-US meetings to establish the proposed trilateral Iraq security committee and its functions as discussed in the second round of Iran-US talks on Iraq will be held early this week. (p 3; 300 words)

7. Unattributed report: "Workgroup for Silver&Grey Prom Dresses change of the banking system' to form." The item reports that President Ahmadinezhad has charged First Vice-President Davudi to set up a workgroup for 'behaviour change of the banking system' and lists the workgroup's short-term objectives. (p 4; 300 words)

8. Unattributed commentary: "Article 44, an effective means of meeting the targets of the 20-year Outlook plan." The item explains that the general policies of Constitution Article 44 on economic privatization are an effective means of meeting the targets of the 20-year Outlook plan and goes on to discuss the obstacles blocking privatization and the reasons for hesitation and delay in the process. (p 4; 1,100 words)